
public class InternetArchive : InternetArchiveProtocol

Interact with the InternetArchive API

Example Usage

let query = InternetArchive.Query(
  clauses: ["collection": "etree", "mediatype": "collection"])
let archive = InternetArchive()
  query: query,
  page: 0,
  rows: 10,
  completion: { (response: InternetArchive.SearchResponse?, error: Error?) in
  // handle response

  identifier: "sci2007-07-28.Schoeps",
  completion: { (item: InternetArchive.Item?, error: Error?) in
  // handle item
  • Errors that may be returned by the InternetArchive class

    See more



    public enum InternetArchiveError : Error
  • The main structure for defining search queries.

    It can be created with key: value pairs like ["collection": "etree"] or an array of query clauses. The output is a URL string, such as "collection:(etree) AND -title:(foo)" in asURLString.

    Basic Usage:

    // generate a query for items in the etree collection
    let query = InternetArchive.Query(clauses: ["collection": "etree"])
    // generate a query for items not in the etree collection
    let query = InternetArchive.Query(clauses: ["-collection": "etree"])
    // generate a query for any field with a value of etree
    let query = InternetArchive.Query(clauses: ["": "etree"])

    Advanced Usage:

    let clause1 = InternetArchive.QueryClause(field: "title", value: "String Cheese", booleanOperator: .and)
    let clause2 = InternetArchive.QueryClause(field: "foo", value: "bar", booleanOperator: .not)
    let dateInterval = DateInterval(start: startDate, end: endDate)
    let dateRangeClause = InternetArchive.QueryDateRange(queryField: "date", dateRange: dateInterval)
    let query = InternetArchive.Query(clauses: [clause1, clause2, dateRangeClause, sortField])
    See more



    public struct Query : InternetArchiveURLStringProtocol
  • A query clause for use in generating a Query.

    This is comprised of a field, value, and booleanOperator. It will generate a search clause like collection:(etree).

    field can be empty to search any field

    Example Usage:

    let clause1 = InternetArchive.QueryClause(field: "foo", value: "bar", booleanOperator: .and)
    let clause2 = InternetArchive.QueryClause(field: "bar", value: "foo", booleanOperator: .not)
    See more



    public struct QueryClause : InternetArchiveQueryClauseProtocol
  • A query clause for use in generating a date range query.

    This is comprised of a field and dateRange. It will return a query like date:[2018-01-01T07:23:12Z TO 2018-04-01T17:53:34Z]

    Example Usage:

    let startDate = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 0)
    let endDate = Date()
    let dateInterval = DateInterval(start: startDate, end: endDate)
    let dateRangeClause = InternetArchive.QueryDateRange(queryField: "date", dateRange: dateInterval)
    See more



    public struct QueryDateRange : InternetArchiveQueryClauseProtocol
  • Declaration


    public enum BooleanOperator : String
  • A query item for use in generating a sort field.

    This is comprised of a field and direction. direction is either .asc or .desc

    Example Usage:

    let sortField = InternetArchive.SortField(field: "date", direction: .asc)
    See more



    public struct SortField : InternetArchiveURLQueryItemProtocol
  • Declaration


    public enum SortDirection : String
  • The top-level response from a search request

    See more



    public struct SearchResponse : Decodable
  • The response headers from a search request

    See more



    public struct ResponseHeader : Decodable
  • The response from a search request, containing the search results (docs)

    See more



    public struct Response : Decodable
  • The response parameters from a search request

    This contains the query information that you sent in the search request.

    See more



    public struct ResponseParams : Decodable
  • An abstraction for Internet Archive-style metadata fields.

    Internet Archive metadata fields can be stored as strings or an array of strings. Typically we want to use these fields in a native types (Int, Double, Date, URL, etc). The ModelField struct does a few things to make handling these values more convenient:

    • Provides a generic interface to any native type that is parsable from a string
    • Converts the fields from strings to their native type
    • Normalizes the response to an array of objects
    • Provides a convenience value accessor to get the first value of the array since most fields are single values

    Native types are wrapped in ModelFieldProtocol objects like IAInt and IADate to handle the string to native conversion.

    Example Usage:

    struct Foo: Decodable {
      let foo: ModelField<IAInt>
      let bar: ModelField<IAString>
    let json: String = "{ \"foo\": \"3\", \"bar\": [\"boop\", \"bop\"] }"
    let data = .utf8)!
    let results: Foo = try! JSONDecoder().decode(Foo.self, from: data) => [3] => 3 => ["boop", "bop"] => "boop"
    See more



    public struct ModelField<T> : Decodable where T : ModelFieldProtocol
  • Internet Archive Int field

    Example Usage

    let intField = IAInt(fromString: "3")
    intField.value => 3
    See more



    public class IAInt : ModelFieldProtocol
  • Internet Archive String field

    Example Usage

    let stringField = IAInt(fromString: "Foo")
    stringField.value => "Foo"
    See more



    public class IAString : ModelFieldProtocol
  • Internet Archive Double field

    Example Usage

    let doubleField = IADouble(fromString: "13.54")
    doubleField.value => 13.54
    See more



    public class IADouble : ModelFieldProtocol
  • Internet Archive Bool field

    Example Usage

    let boolField = IABool(fromString: "true")
    boolField.value => true
    See more



    public class IABool : ModelFieldProtocol
  • Internet Archive URL field

    Example Usage

    let urlField = IAURL(fromString: "")
    urlField.value => URL ""
    See more



    public class IAURL : ModelFieldProtocol
  • Internet Archive Date field

    Parses the following formats:

  • ISO8601 (2018-11-15T08:23:41Z, 2018-11-15T08:23:41-07:00, etc)
  • Date

    Date Time (2018-03-25 14:51:24)


    Date (2018-09-03)
  • Year (2018)
  • Year Month (2018-09)
  • Approximate Year ([2018])
  • Circa Year (c.a. 2018)
  • Note: The approximate and circa formats do not have a representation that they’re approximate, since the Date type has no way of representing it.

    Example Usage

    let dateField = IADate(fromString: "2018-11-15T08:23:41Z")
    dateField.value => Date "2018-11-15T08:23:41Z"
    See more



    public class IADate : ModelFieldProtocol
  • Internet Archive TimeInterval field. Used for fields like length of an audio file.

    Parses the following formats:

    • Seconds.Milliseconds (323.4)
    • Duration (5:23.4)

    Example Usage

    let timeIntervalField1 = IATimeInterval(fromString: "12:37.4")
    timeIntervalField1.value => TimeInterval 757.4
    let timeIntervalField2 = IATimeInterval(fromString: "526.7")
    timeIntervalField2.value => TimeInterval 526.7
    See more



    public class IATimeInterval : ModelFieldProtocol
  • An Internet Archive File

    This will be returned in the files property from an InternetArchive().itemDetail() request.

    Note: The properties are all type ModelField<T> except name, which is a String. This means you need to access all values by their .value or .values properties, except for identifier, which you can access directly.

    Some Background: All other fields can be a string or array of strings so we can’t access them directly. See the ModelField class for a more thorough explanation.

    For example:

    let file = File(...some file...) = "SCIRedRocksConcert.track1.mp3" // `name` is always a String, it's like the primary key for the file
    file.length.value = TimeInterval object // we want to cast all other fields to their native type

    See the Internet Archive’s Python API Reference for a description of the properties.

    Note: This is not an exhaustive list of properties. If you need some that are missing, please open a pull request.

    See more



    public struct File : Decodable
  • An Internet Archive Item, containing ItemMetadata, an array of File objects, and additional properties.

    This will be returned from an InternetArchive().itemDetail() request.

    See more



    public struct Item : Decodable
  • Internet Archive Item Metadata

    This will be returned from itemDetail() and search() requests.

    Note: The properties are all type ModelField<T> except identifier, which is a String. This means you need to access all values by their .value or .values properties, except for identifier, which you can access directly.

    Some Background: All other fields can be a string or array of strings so we can’t access them directly. See the ModelField class for a more thorough explanation.

    For example:

    let metadata = ItemMetadata(...some metadata...)
    metadata.identifier = "SCIRedRocksConcert" // `identifier` is always a String
    metadata.venue.value = "Red Rocks" // other fields can be a string or array of strings so you can't access directly

    See the Internet Archive’s Python API Reference for a description of the properties.

    Note: This is not an exhaustive list of metadata properties. If you need some that are missing, please open a pull request.

    See more



    public struct ItemMetadata : Decodable