
public struct File : Decodable

An Internet Archive File

This will be returned in the files property from an InternetArchive().itemDetail() request.

Note: The properties are all type ModelField<T> except name, which is a String. This means you need to access all values by their .value or .values properties, except for identifier, which you can access directly.

Some Background: All other fields can be a string or array of strings so we can’t access them directly. See the ModelField class for a more thorough explanation.

For example:

let file = File(...some file...) = "SCIRedRocksConcert.track1.mp3" // `name` is always a String, it's like the primary key for the file
file.length.value = TimeInterval object // we want to cast all other fields to their native type

See the Internet Archive’s Python API Reference for a description of the properties.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list of properties. If you need some that are missing, please open a pull request.